If you are under investigation or facing criminal charges, understanding the offense and possible penalties is crucial for defending yourself against the charges.
Even if your court date is months away, you should start building your defense as soon as possible to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. Speak with a seasoned Upper Marlboro criminal defense lawyer at Langford Law to discuss your case and determine the best strategy to avoid or reduce charges.
The Right To Speak to an Attorney
Following an arrest or request for an interview in Upper Marlboro, it is essential to immediately consult a criminal defense attorney. They could protect an individual’s rights and prevent them from making statements that could jeopardize their case.
They could also negotiate with prosecutors and investigators to mitigate potential legal consequences. Early intervention by a protective legal advocate is crucial for building a persuasive defense and achieving the best possible outcome, as they could safeguard the accused person’s rights and help prevent future issues.
Common Criminal Charges
Criminal charges can widely range in severity, depending on the specific facts of the case. Common charges include:
- Auto theft
- Hit-and-run
- Disorderly conduct
- Destruction of property
- Theft and property crimes
- Domestic violence or assault
- Driving under the influence (DUI)
- Possession, manufacturing, or cultivation of illicit drugs
During a consultation, a criminal defense lawyer in Upper Marlboro could thoroughly review the charges, answer questions about possible sentencing, and help develop a solid defense strategy.
Types of Criminal Offenses
The primary difference between felony and misdemeanor offenses is the severity of the charges and potential penalties. This distinction could significantly impact an individual’s life and future.
Misdemeanors are criminal offenses punishable by up to one year in jail. While they are less severe than felonies, they can still affect a person’s future.
The penalties for felony offenses are considerably harsher. A felony conviction may result in a minimum of one year in prison, life imprisonment, or even the death penalty, depending on the severity of the offense. According to Maryland Court Records, examples of felonies include:
- Carjacking
- Kidnapping
- Manslaughter
- First-degree rape
- Aggravated assault
- First-degree murder
- Second-degree murder
- Illegal possession of firearms
- Drug possession with intent to distribute
A conviction may lead to long-term imprisonment, mandatory minimum sentences, probation, or parole. Additionally, individuals will have a felony on their criminal record. Whether facing misdemeanor or felony charges, seeking guidance from diligent legal counsel and preparing a strong defense could significantly influence the outcome of a case. For some, this may mean the difference between serving a lengthy jail sentence and avoiding a conviction.
Infractions are often classified as civil offenses rather than criminal offenses, referring to minor violations like traffic citations. They carry the least severe penalties, such as fines or community service, and do not affect a person’s criminal record.
A well-practiced Upper Marlboro defense attorney could further explain the differences between these criminal charges and help the accused person understand what consequences they may be facing.
Schedule a Consultation With a Driven Upper Marlboro Criminal Defense Attorney
A conviction for any crime, regardless of severity, can alter the course of your life and lead to long-term issues. Unfortunately, a mistake or misunderstanding may escalate into a legal problem, resulting in stress and anxiety about your future.
However, you can protect yourself by preparing a solid defense against the charges. Eddie Langford has been recognized with the prestigious National Black Lawyers 40 Under 40. He takes pride in his unique, results-driven approach that offers a fresh perspective on every case.
If you have been arrested or are under investigation for a crime in Maryland or Washington D.C., reach out to a hard-working Upper Marlboro criminal defense lawyer at Langford Law who could fiercely advocate for you and safeguard your rights.